Tuam Tshoj High Performance Txhaj Tshuaj Molding Tshuab Chaw muag khoom

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Cua txias chiller soj ntsuam txoj kev

Cua txias chiller soj ntsuam txoj kev

Feem ntau, after using the air-cooled chiller for a long period of time, some problems cannot be avoided. If there is a failure, we should carefully check the operating conditions of the various parts of the injection machine. The main points are to check the refrigeration system, electrical system, air system, and water system. To judge whether their homework is normal, the editor

txhaj tshuaj molding tej yam kev mob

txhaj tshuaj molding tej yam kev mob

injection molding conditions is the important thing for workshop owner to master. Injection molding is an industry with a wide range of knowledge, technology and practice. Plastic raw materials, toners, nozzle materials, pwm, injection molding machines, peripheral equipment, fixtures, sprays, various auxiliary materials and packaging materials are used in the injection molding production process, which brings a lot of work to the management

txhaj tshuaj molding tshuab yooj yim qauv

txhaj tshuaj molding tshuab yooj yim qauv

Injection molding machine basic structure is really important for businessman. According to the requirements of the injection molding process, the injection molding machine is a model with strong mechatronics. It is mainly composed of injection parts, clamping parts, fuselage, hydraulic system, cua sov qhov system, tswj qhov system, feeding device, lwm yam. Tam sim no, common ear injection devices have single-cylinder type and double-cylinder type. …

screw fracture of injection molding machine

screw fracture of injection molding machine

The screw fracture temperature is also related, but it is rare, almost all of the screw itself is of poor toughness, or the screw has been used for a long time, refurbish the screw! The injection molding materials are rough. Piv txwv, adding GF [glass fiber] to the injection molding materials is the most expensive screw and machine! This injection molding material has poor

txhaj tshuaj molding cuam tshuam rov qab siab ?

txhaj tshuaj molding cuam tshuam rov qab siab ?

The effect of back pressure on injection molding is very important, thiab nws ncaj qha cuam tshuam rau qhov txhaws ntawm cov yaj thiab qhov zoo ntawm cov khoom yas.   (1) Proper back pressure can improve the quality of products â‘ It can compact the melt in the barrel, nce qhov ceev, thiab txhim kho qhov txhaj tshuaj ntim, khoom hnyav thiab qhov ntev stability;   â‘¡The

Kev nyab xeeb kev ua haujlwm txoj cai ntawm Tuam Tshoj txhaj tshuaj molding tshuab!

Kev nyab xeeb kev ua haujlwm txoj cai ntawm Tuam Tshoj txhaj tshuaj molding tshuab!

1. Kev npaj ua ntej pib lub tshuab txhaj tshuaj molding tshuab hauv Suav teb 1. Hnav cov khaub ncaws tiv thaiv kev nyab xeeb raws li kev cob qhia ua ntej pib tsim khoom. 2. Ntxuav ib puag ncig ntawm cov khoom siv, thiab tsis txhob khaws tej yam tsis cuam tshuam txog kev tsim khoom. 3. Clean up the debris inside and outside the workbench and equipment, wipe the injection seat guide rail and the tie rod of

Muaj peev xwm ua tsis tiav thiab kuaj xyuas cov kauj ruam ntawm hydraulic system ntawm kev txhaj tshuaj molding tshuab

Muaj peev xwm ua tsis tiav thiab kuaj xyuas cov kauj ruam ntawm hydraulic system ntawm kev txhaj tshuaj molding tshuab

Thaum siv lub tshuab txhaj tshuaj molding, qhov ua tsis tiav ntawm hydraulic system ntawm kev txhaj tshuaj molding tshuab muaj ntau yam. Nws yog qhov tshwm sim ntawm kev sib xyaw ntawm ntau yam, thiab cov dispersion kuj loj. Yog li ntawd, thaum ua txhaum kev kuaj mob, Nws yog ib qho tsim nyog los tshuaj xyuas cov xwm txheej uas ua rau muaj kev txhaum ib los ntawm ib qho, xyuam xim rau lawv cov internal …

qee qhov kev daws teeb meem txog kev txhaj tshuaj molding tshuab ntsia hlau

qee qhov kev daws teeb meem txog kev txhaj tshuaj molding tshuab ntsia hlau

Yuav ua li cas txhaj tshuaj molding tshuab ntsia hlau txawv txawv suab yuav ua li cas Yog hais tias cov ntsia hlau pib plam thaum lub sij hawm preforming theem, lub axial txav ntawm cov ntsia hlau nres thaum cov ntsia hlau txuas ntxiv tig. Feem ntau cov ntsia hlau plam yuav ua rau degradation ntawm cov ntaub ntawv ua ntej txhaj tshuaj molding.tab sis kuj luv luv txhaj tshuaj, ncua kev voj voog thiab lwm yam teeb meem khoom zoo. Kev npam …

mold maintainance

mold maintainance

1: The die must be grinded after a long time use, after grinding the edge surface must be demagnetized, can not have magnetic, otherwise easy to occur blocking material. In order to find out which parts and components have been damaged and the degree of wear, the enterprises should make detailed records and statistics of their use, care (lubrication, cleaning, …

Causes and solutions of injection machine

Causes and solutions of injection machine

Causes and solutions of injection machine failures 1. The oil temperature is too high The abnormal increase in oil temperature may be caused by abnormal cooling system or high heat generated by oil pressure components during operation. 1. The cooling system is abnormal 1) The supply of the cooling system is insufficient, such as the water switch is not fully

Yuav ua li cas txo qhov poob ntawm cov ntaub ntawv raw hauv kev txhaj tshuaj molding Rhiav

Yuav ua li cas txo qhov poob ntawm cov ntaub ntawv raw hauv kev txhaj tshuaj molding Rhiav

1. Tswj kev tsim cov khoom tsis raug, (tswj cov khoom tsis raug) 2. Txhim kho pwm efficiency, pwm efficiency ncaj qha cuam tshuam tus nqi ntawm cov khoom siv. 3. Tswj cov khoom lag luam kom tsis txhob muaj cov khoom muag los ntawm kev tsim khoom ntau dhau. 4. Cultivate lub tswv yim ntawm kev txuag nqi rau cov kws tshaj lij, thiab tsis txhob pov tseg ntau dhau thaum kho lub tshuab txhaj tshuaj molding. 5. Paub meej tias qhov kev hloov ntawm cov khoom …

yas extruder

Ua rau thiab kev daws teeb meem rau 3.Lub kaum sab xis siab tshaj 90 ° tom qab kev kub ceev clamping, ua rau rov qab pob khawm

1.Qhov cheeb tsam ntawm pwm qhib hydraulic nplhaib yog me me Pwm qhib quab yuam = pwm qhib roj siab lub nplhaib cheeb tsam × pwm qhib roj siab Yog tias koj xav ua kom cov pwm qhib quab yuam thaum qhov siab tshaj plaws tau txiav txim siab, koj tsuas tuaj yeem nce pwm qhib roj siab nplhaib cheeb tsam, thiab koj tuaj yeem nce pwm qhib roj …

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    Yongjiang koj tus neeg muag khoom txhim khu kev qha! Luam theej duab nws, Tham kom zoo dua