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Sistemi i portës së mykut plastik

shkurt 26, 2021

Sipas llojeve të ndryshme të sistemit të portave, kallëpi plastik mund të ndahet në tre lloje:

(1) the large nozzle mould: Vrapuesi dhe porta janë në vijën e ndarjes, dhe kallëpi shkulet bashkë me produktin kur të hapet kallëpi, dizajni është më i thjeshtë, përpunimi është i lehtë dhe kostoja është më e ulët, prandaj, more people use large nozzle system operations. Plastic mold structure is divided into two parts: Dynamic Mold and fixed mold. With the active part of the injection machine for the dynamic mold (most of the ejection side) , the injection end of the injection machine is generally not active called fixed mold. As a result of large nozzle die fixed part of the general by the two steel plate, it is also known as the structure of the two-plate mold. The two-plate die is the simplest structure in the large nozzle die.

(2) fine nozzle die: runner and gate not in the parting line, generally directly in the product, so to design more than a group of nozzle parting line, design is more complex, processing more difficult, generally depending on product requirements and choose fine nozzle system. The fixed die part of the fine nozzle mould is usually composed of three steel plates, so it is also called "three plates mould" . The three-plate die is the simplest structure in the fine nozzle die.

(3) hot runner mould: This kind of mould structure is basically the same as fine nozzle, the biggest difference is that the runner is in one or more hot runner plates and hot pumps with constant temperature, no cold material demoulding, runner and gate are directly on the product, prandaj, the runner does not need to demoulding, this system is also called no-nozzle system, can save raw materials, suitable for the situation of expensive raw materials, higher product requirements, difficult design and processing, high die cost. Hot runner system, also known as hot runner system, mainly by hot runner sets, hot runner plate, kutia e kontrollit të temperaturës. Our common hot runner system has single hot gate and multi-point hot gate two forms. The single hot gate is used to inject molten plastic directly into the mold cavity with a single hot gate sleeve, which is suitable for the plastic mold with a single cavity and single gate The multi-point hot gate is used to branch the molten material into the separate hot gate bushes and then into the mold cavity through the hot runner plate.

FLYSE Plastic Machinery Co.,ltd has 15 vjet’ experience in making all kinds of plastic injection molding machines like cheap, performancë të lartë, shpejtësi e lartë, multi-colors, PET, PVC, etj. FLYSE Plastic Machinery can also help customers choose suitable process and buy correct molds from China.


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