China mold industry is growing faster than GDP!
根據 “全國模具專業廠基本情況” compiled by the Operation Management Committee of China Mould Industry Association, China’s mould is growing at an average rate of over 15%, 是國內生產總值平均增加值的兩倍多. 其中, 鑄造模具約佔 5% 各類模具總產值的, 年增長率為 25%, 並且發展非常活躍.
的發展 China’s mold industry 大力支持製造業. 同時, 製造業的發展也促進了模具行業的發展. China has also become a major country in mold production. The number of domestic mold manufacturers has increased to more than 20,000, 大約 1 百萬員工, 模具年產值達到 55 億元. 然而, China’s mold and machine tool industry is still “大而不強。” Although China’s mold industry is currently known as the world’s “製造國” 以其巨大的年進出口額, 由於技術人員等因素的限制, 相對集中在低端領域. 所以, 高端市場對國內模具企業具有重要經濟意義. 魅力無疑是巨大的.
A trade association is an economical organization established by related enterprises for their own development. 在市場經濟條件下, 作為重要的中間組織, 行業協會具有協調市場主體利益、提高市場配置效率的作用. 所以, 推動行業協會建設成為不容忽視的問題. 為模具行業實現快速發展, 大力推進模具行業協會建設.
一些 high-level molds account for about 40%. 這些模具的特點是複雜, 精確, 大尺寸長壽命. 例如, 部分模具單套重量可達125t? Some precision multi-station progressive molds have a life of 300 萬次行程,精度0.001mm. With the continuous increase in precision requirements of the mold parts industry and the progress of science and technology, 有些零件的加工精度會達到lμm以內. 企業創新研發能力得到提升, 新技術、新工藝得到廣泛推廣. 例如, 模具自加工技術和模具柔性集成技術? 模具結構設計系統, 大型級進模, advanced mold manufacturing technology and three-dimensional design technology research and development? 沖壓工藝設計系統, 車身模具逆向工程和數字化製造系統, 等等. 這些都與數字化和信息化技術的蓬勃發展和推動是分不開的.
China Flyse Plastic machinery can make good quality machines for all kinds of advanced mold molding technology. Contact us to know more mold technology information.
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