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A manera chì u moldu sceglie u chiller

Aostu 18, 2021

Chiller is important for mold.In fact, a muffa is a heat exchanger. The heat is first transferred from the molten plastic to the mold, and then from the mold to the continuously circulating cooling medium-ice water.

Only a small part of it enters the air and the pressure of the injection molding machine. mudellu. Comu tutti sapemu, a considerable part of the plastic molding cycle is used for cooling, and sometimes it can account for more than 80% of the plastic molding cycle. Dunque, it is necessary to control the cooling time appropriately.

The mold uses a chiller to cool down faster and more efficiently than a cooling tower:

Per esempiu, u ciculu di mudificazione di un moldu hè in generale 20 seconde. If the water in the original cooling tower is replaced with ice water produced by a chiller, pò esse accurtata à 16 seconde. Although the initial cost of the chiller is higher, it can increase the output by 20%, which can make a big profit in the long-term production. So how to choose the energy of ice water?

From the above we can know that it is related to the specific heat of the molding material, the temperature of the melt, the weight and the temperature of the product when it is demolded.

chiller d'aria

How to choose a chiller for the mold:

A formula per calculà l'energia di l'acqua di ghiaccio necessaria da un moldu hè: Q=W×C×△T×S

In a formula: Q is the required ice water energy kcal/h;

W is the weight of plastic raw materials kg/h;  C is the specific heat of plastic raw materials kcal/kg℃;

△T is the temperature difference ℃ between the melt temperature and the product demolding temperature;

S is a safety factor (di solitu 1.35-2.0). Quandu una sola macchina hè cumminata, un picculu valore hè generalmente sceltu, è un grande valore hè utilizatu quandu un chiller hè assuciatu cù parechje muffa. Per esempiu, quandu si sceglie un chiller raffreddatu à l'aria, S should also be selected. Choose a larger one appropriately.

Per esempiu: a mold to produce PP products, the output is about 50kg per hour, what is the cooling requirement? What size chiller should be equipped? Q=50×0.48×200×1.35=6480(kcal/h);

6480kcal/h cooling capacity is required per hour. It is difficult to obtain relatively complete data in the process of using PR chiller. Sicondu i nostri anni precedenti di pianificazione è sustegnu di l'esperienza di vendita, △T=200℃, which is an average value of many commonly used products after years of statistics.

Se ci hè una strada di cola calda attaccata à u moldu, the energy of the hot glue lane should also be added to the calculation of the cooling capacity. Generalmente, the hot glue lane is in KW. The unit should be converted into kcal/h, 1KW=860kcal/h.

Se u supply d'acqua à a fabbrica hè abbastanza, a temperatura hè bassa, è u costu hè bassu, then there is no need to use a chiller, which is generally not realistic, unless the factory can be located near a large lake with a lower water temperature; another It is to use urban deep well water supply to meet the temperature and flow needs, ma u costu hè spessu troppu altu. This method can be used for experimental devices, but it is impractical for factories to do so.


Mold chillers are air-cooled, water-cooled, ecc. If your company has a cooling tower, it is recommended to use water-cooled mold chillers, which can save costs


Setting of temperature difference between ice and water of mold chiller:

The temperature of the mold cooling fluid (acqua di ghiaccio) generally changes greatly due to the processing material and the shape of the product. Per esempiu, in a thin-walled polyethylene beaker, the mold requires the temperature of the ice water to be below 0°C.

In most other cases, the temperature of the cold water of the chiller required by the mold must be above 5°C. The microcomputer full-featured chiller can provide ice water above 5°C, and the low-temperature intelligent temperature control chiller can meet the requirements below 5°C. And to the requirements below 0°C.

The temperature difference of the ice water at the entrance and exit of the mold is often set according to the requirements of the product. In parechji casi, the temperature difference is 3-5℃ is ideal, but sometimes the temperature difference is 1-2℃.

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