Txinako Errendimendu Altuko Injekzio-makinen hornitzailea


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maiatza 31, 2021

There are two templates on the injekzioa moldatzeko makina, one is not moving, called the fixed template; the other can be moved, called the moving template. The mold is fixed on the two templates by screws and pressing plates respectively. Moldea irekitzen denean, the movable template of the injection molding machine moves, thereby driving the mold to open.

injekzioa moldatzeko makina

After the moldea is manufactured, it is necessary to carry out injection molding, put on the injection molding machine, and start to produce products. Hala ere, there are many models of injection molding machines, and each injection molding machine has its own parameters. The design mold must be able to meet the requirements of the injection molding machine model provided by the customer, otherwise it will not be able to produce. To

There are many design parameters of the injection molding machine. The following will focus on several parameters related to the mold. I hope that readers will pay attention to the specific design of the mold. To

1. Injection volume
The injection volume is the maximum mass value (or volume value) that the injection molding machine can shoot at one time during production, and represents the maximum injection capacity of this type of injection molding machine. The amount of melt used in the designed mold is less than the injection volume of the injection molding machine. Otherwise, the product is dissatisfied and cannot be produced. To

2. Pintzatzeko indarra
What happened was the pressing force of the injection molding machine on the template when the mold was closed. The clamping force required for the molded product during molding must be less than the rated clamping force of the selected injection molding machine. Otherwise, the molten glue will easily run off the parting surface, resulting in flash.

3. Tie rod spacing
There are four tie rods in the dead corners of the fixed template and the movable template of the injection molding machine. Their function is to ensure that the injection molding machine has sufficient strength and rigidity, and at the same time is responsible for the sliding template. Hala ere, it tends to limit the overall dimensions of the mold, because the mold is hoisted in from the middle of the tie rod during installation. To

The dimensions of the mold cannot be larger than the distance between the tie rods. If the length of the mold exceeds the distance between the tie rods, check whether the mold is hoisted into the rod workshop by rotating. If the rotary hoisting cannot be carried out, then the mold size can only be changed. , Or replace the injection molding machine. To

4. Nozzle size check
The nozzle head of the injection molding machine is generally spherical. When selecting the sprue sleeve, the spherical radius of the sprue sleeve should be consistent with the spherical radius of the nozzle. In order to prevent the high-pressure melt from overflowing from the contact gap between the nozzle and the sprue sleeve, the spherical radius of the sprue sleeve should generally be larger than the nozzle radius. Aldi berean, the size of the small end of the main runner should also be slightly larger than the size of the nozzle hole. Easy to align the muzzle

The design of the gating system is an important part of the design of the injection mold. It has a direct impact on the injection molding cycle and the quality of the plastic parts (such as appearance, physical properties, dimensional accuracy, etab.).

The following principles must be followed when designing
(1) The cavity layout and gate opening position should be symmetrical to prevent the mold from being subjected to unbalanced load and causing flashing.
(2) The arrangement of cavities and gates should reduce the overall dimensions of the mold as much as possible.
(3) The system flow channel should be as short as possible, and the cross-sectional size should be appropriate (too small, the pressure and heat loss will be large, and too large, the plastic consumption will be large); minimize the bending, and the surface roughness should be low to make the heat and pressure loss As small as possible.
(4) For multiple cavities, the plastic melt should enter the depths and corners of each cavity at the same time as much as possible, hori da, the runners should be arranged in a balanced manner as much as possible
(5) On the premise that the cavity is full, the volume of the pouring system should be as small as possible to reduce the consumption of plastic.
(6) The gate position should be appropriate, try to avoid impacting the insert and the small core to prevent the core from deforming. The residual marks of the gate should not affect the appearance of the plastic part.

Five hazards of high temperature of injekzioa moldatzeko makina
The five major hazards of excessive temperature rise of the injection molding machine are: makinaren deformazio termikoa, olioaren biskositate murriztua, gomazko zigiluen deformazioa, olioaren oxidazio eta narriadura azkartu, eta airearen osagaien presioa murriztu.

Arriskuetako bat: makinaren deformazio termikoa
The moving parts with different coefficients of thermal expansion in the hydraulic components are stuck due to their smaller fits, matxurak eraginez, sistema hidraulikoaren transmisio-zehaztasunari eraginez, eta piezen lan-kalitatea hondatzea.

Bi kalte: olioaren biskositatea murriztea
Injekzio-makinaren tenperatura gehiegi igotzeak olioaren biskositatea gutxituko du, isurketa handitu, eta ponparen eraginkortasun bolumetrikoa eta sistema osoaren eraginkortasuna nabarmen murriztuko dira. Olioaren biskositatea gutxitu ahala, irristakorra balbula eta beste pieza mugikorren olio filma meheagoa eta moztu egiten da, and the friction resistance increases, higadura areagotzea eraginez.

Arriskua 3: Gomazko zigiluen deformazioa
Injekzio-makinaren tenperatura gehiegi igotzeak gomazko zigiluak deformatuko ditu, zahartzearen porrota bizkortu, zigilatzeko errendimendua eta zerbitzu-bizitza murriztea, eta isurketak eragin.

Arriskua 4: Olioaren oxidazioa eta hondatzea bizkortu
Injekzio-makinaren tenperatura gehiegi igotzeak olioaren oxidazioa eta hondatzea bizkortuko ditu, substantzia bituminosoak hauspeatu, eta olio hidraulikoaren zerbitzu-bizitza murriztea. Hauspeek moteltze-orifizioa eta zirrikitu-balbularen ataka blokeatzen dituzte, presio-balbula trabatu eta mugitu ezinik geratu da, eta metalezko hodia luzatu eta tolestuta dago, edo baita hautsi ere.

Arriskua 5: Osagaien lan-kalitate txarra dakar
Excessive temperature rise of the injekzioa moldatzeko makina will result in poor working quality of the parts, and the dissolved air in the oil will escape, aire-poltsak sortuz, sistema hidraulikoaren lan-errendimendua murriztuko duena. Sistema hidraulikoaren lan-tenperatura ideala tartekoa izan behar da 45 graduak eta 50 graduak. The reason is that the hydraulic system is designed according to a selected pressure oil viscosity, but the viscosity will change with the oil temperature, sistemako lanari eragingo diona. Osagaiak, hala nola, olio-zilindroak, balbula hidraulikoak, etab., kontrol-zehaztasuna eta erantzun-sentsibilitatea murriztea, batez ere, doitasuneko injekzio-makinetarako.

Aldi berean, if the tenperatura is too high, it will accelerate the aging of the seal and cause it to harden and crack; if the temperature is too low, prozesatzeko energia kontsumituko da eta funtzionamendu-abiadura murriztuko da. Horregatik, arreta handia jarri behar da olio hidraulikoaren lan-tenperaturari. Olioaren tenperatura altuaren arrazoi asko daude, baina gehienak olio-zirkuituaren hutsegiteagatik edo hozte sistemaren hutsegiteagatik dira.


Galderarik baduzu injekzio bidezko moldaketa ,mesedez galdetu lasai FLYSE taldea,zerbitzu onena emango dizugu!

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